
Download Contacts Calendar Email Outloook For Mac

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Today, Outlook 2016 for Mac is adding support for Google Calendar and Contacts—available first to our Office Insider Fast community. We’re excited to be delivering on these highly-requested features for Mac users and matching our Outlook apps for iOS and Android, providing Google Accounts with a more powerful way to stay in control of the day ahead.

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Microsoft Outlook is primarily an e-mail application that is a part of Microsoft Office suite. Though it is mainly an e-mail application, this program also has a calendar, task manager, and a contact manager. These tools work to automate tasks that used to be done by hand. Connect and stay organized with your email, calendar, and contacts all in one place with the latest version of Outlook for your home or business. Download now Connect and organize on the go with Outlook mobile. Outlook for Mac. Learn more Outlook for Windows.

While today marks the beginning of this rollout, we need your help to test drive and provide feedback on the experience. We will be closely managing the rollout to Insiders, expanding availability over the next several weeks, before becoming broadly available to Office 365 customers later this year.

What To Do About Those Mojave “App Is Not Optimized” Messages. After updating to Mojave, many Mac users see a message saying that an app they are trying to use needs to be updated and won't work with future versions of macOS. By future versions, that means the next major update of macOS, probably coming in late 2019, not minor updates. App is not optimized for your mac fix microsoft word. What is the 'not optimized for your Mac' warning message? Macs running the latest OS version now warn users that any 32-bit app they launch is not “optimized for your Mac” and needs to be. Apr 12, 2018  Mac: If you depend on any older software, you’ve probably seen a cryptic message today. It means you’re using a 32-bit app. “This application is not optimized for your Mac,” says the warning. “This app needs to be updated by its developer to improve compatibility.” The message doesn’t mention 32 bits, but that’s what this is about. If you are seeing an App is 'not optimised' warning in Mojave, or a 'App needs to be updated' alert in Catalina, this is what you need to do.

Note: These improvements will become available to those who have Office 365 plans that include Office applications.

More than just email

Outlook for Mac has long supported connecting to and managing your Gmail. With these updates, Outlook will now also sync your Google Calendars and Contacts. The experience will be very similar to what you are familiar with in Outlook today, with support for all the core actions—such as add, delete, edit time and location. All changes will update back and forth with Gmail or Outlook for iOS and Android, so everything is in sync across all your devices.

  • Microsoft Outlook brings your email, calendar, contacts together in one place so you can work efficiently. Office integration lets you share attachments from OneDrive, access contacts and view LinkedIn profiles. Highlights: Unmistakably Office, designed for Mac - MacBook Pro Touch Bar is fully supported by Microsoft Outlook.
  • How to open a shared calendar from an Outlook sharing invitation. Content provided by Microsoft. In the E-mail Accounts dialog box, click the E-mail tab. To open a shared calendar in Outlook for Mac, the user must grant you permissions of Reviewer or higher. Or, you can view the user's Free/Busy information by creating a new meeting.
  • May 13, 2012 Hi - This forum has saved the day before, and I hope you can do it again. I would like to get my calendar and contacts from Outlook for Mac 2011 to Outlook 2010 on a PC.

Bringing the best features of Outlook to your Gmail account


Up to now, many of Outlook’s best and most advanced email features have only been available to those with an, Office 365 or Exchange email address. With these updates, you will also be able to take advantage of several of Outlook’s advanced features with your Gmail account, including Focused Inbox and richer experiences for travel reservations and package deliveries. Additional advanced features will become available as we roll these updates out more broadly.

How to get started

Outlook 2016 for Mac users who are part of the Office Insider Fast program will be the first to try this new feature. To become an Insider, simply open up Outlook, click Help > Check for Updates and then follow the directions found here.

Not all Insiders will see the new Google Account experience right away. We will closely monitor feedback and expand the rollout over the next few weeks. Outlook will notify you when this feature becomes available, with a prompt asking you to add your Google Account. If you have an existing Google Account connected to Outlook, you can remove it after setting up the new experience.

Download Contacts Calendar Email Outlook For Mac 2016

If you ignore the initial prompt, you can add a Google Account at a later time by going to Tools > Accounts.


We are still fine-tuning the Google Account experience in Outlook for Mac and will provide regular updates to Insiders before releasing the features more broadly. You can help us improve the experience by providing feedback and identifying bugs by going to Help > Contact Support. See this list of known issues.

Download Contacts Calendar Email Outlook For Mac 2016

Got a suggestion for how to improve Outlook for Mac? Please suggest and vote on future feature ideas on our Outlook for Mac UserVoice page.

Contact Outlook For Mac Support

—The Outlook team